425 DX News #1646

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425 DX News #1646

Post by NP3N »

19 November 2022                                          A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1646

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

3D2/R  - Tony, 3D2AG will be active again as 3D2AG/p from Rotuma Island (OC-
         060). Departure is scheduled for 19 November,  and he expects to be
         QRV on or around 24 November until 20 December. He hopes to operate
         CW,  SSB, RTTY and some FT8  on 160-6 metres,  with a focus  on the
         higher bands (15, 12 and 10m). QSL via Club Log's OQRS (please note
         that as he will have no access to the Internet while on Rotuma,  he
         will upload his log when he returns home).  More details, including
         band plan, can be found on https://www.qrz.com/db/3D2AG/P.
9M6    - Saty, JE1JKL will be active again as 9M6NA  from Labuan Island (OC-
         133), East Malaysia on 23-29 November, including an entry in the CQ
         WW DX CW Contest. QSL via LoTW and Club Log's OQRS. [TNX NG3K]
6Y     - Lester, W8YCM will be active as W8YCM/6Y from Jamaica (NA-097) from
         27 November  until sometime  in January  2023.  On 1-11 December he
         will be signing 6Y8LV. QSLs direct to W8YCM.
A6     - Celebrating the  22nd edition of the  FIFA World Cup  to be held in
         Qatar, the Emirates Amateur Radio Society (EARS)  will operate spe-
         cial  callsign  A60FIFA  from  19 November to 19 December.  QSL via
         EA7FTR. Individual operators may append a serial number to the spe-
         cial callsign,  and be active as  A60FIFA/0,  A60FIFA/1, etc.  (see
         qrz.com for the QSL routes).
C6     - A team of four  (AA7JV, HA7RY, HA8KW and KN4EEI)  will be active as
         C6AGU from Wood Cay (NA-001), Bahamas  starting on  19 or 20 Novem-
         ber. They will participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest (26-27 Novem-
         ber) and the ARRL 160 Meter Contest (2-4 December). Between the two
         contest weekends they will focus on the low bands.  Once again they
         will be using RIB  ("Radio In a Box", https://www.qrz.com/db/c6agu)
         stations.  QSL via LoTW,  Club Log's OQRS,  or via HA7RY.  [TNX The
         Daily DX]
C6     - Brian, ND3F will be active as  C6AQQ  from  Nassau,  New Providence
         (NA-001),  Bahamas  from  24 November to 1 December,  including  an
         entry in the  CQ WW DX CW Contest.  He will be QRV on  160, 80, 40,
         20, 15 and 10 metres,  and "will do some FT8"  before and after the
         contest. [TNX The Daily DX]
CN     - Celebrating the  22nd edition of the  FIFA World Cup  to be held in
         Qatar,  the  Association Royale des Radioamateurs du Maroc  (ARRAM)
         will operate special callsign CN22CWQ from 18 November to 20 Decem-
DU     - Irek, SP3SUX has been active again as DV8/KH7EA from General Santos
         on  Mindanao Island (OC-130),  Philippines since  14 November,  and
         will remain there until 3 December.  QSL via SP3SUX.  During the CQ
         WW DX CW Contest  he will be using the  Ham Radio Club General San-
         tos' callsign, DX8H.
DX0    - 25 November is the tentative departure date for the  DX0NE  DXpedi-
         tion to the Spratly Islands  [425DXN 1629].  The five-operator team
         is expected to be QRV  for a couple of weeks  on 160-10 metres SSB,
         CW and FT8.  Their licence is valid  through 31 December.  QSL  via
         Club Log’s OQRS (preferred), or via IZ8CCW. [TNX The Daily DX]
E7     - Celebrating Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina  (25 November),
         special callsign  E7BOSNIA  will be active from  the ancient  royal
         cities of Jajce, Visoko and Bobovac on 13-29 November. QSL via LoTW
         See https://www.qrz.com/db/E7BOSNIA for more information.
F      - The  Radio Club de Nice is active again as TM8AB to commemorate the
         anniversary  of  the  first transatlantic amateur  two-way  contact
         between Leon Deloy, F8AB and Fred Schnell, 1MO  (28 November 1923).
         Activity started on 11-13 November, and will continue on  26-30 No-
         vember and 2-4 December. QSL via F4KJQ. 
JA     - Look for Hiro, JA4VNE  to be active as  JA4VNE/6  from Irabu Island
         (AS-079) on 23-24 November, and Tarama Island (AS-079) on 25 Novem-
         ber. He uses LoTW, Club Log and eQSL.
JW     - Peter, LA7QIA will be active again as JW7QIA from the Svalbard Ama-
         teur Radio Club's station in Longyearbyen (EU-026), Svalbard on 25-
         29 November.  Main activity will be during the CQ WW DX CW Contest.
         QSL via LoTW (preferred), or direct to home call.
PA     - Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the World Wide Flora & Fauna in
         Amateur Radio programme,  PD7YY,  PE5TT,  PF5X  and  PH0NO  will be
         active as PA10FF on 19-20 November. Plans are to operate CW and SSB
         with  three stations on  80-6 metres  from the  nature reserves  of
         Stiphoutse Bossen (PAFF-0221)  and Sarsven en De Banen (PAFF-0180).
         QSL via Club Log's OQRS.
T8     - Nobu, JA0JHQ  will be active again as  T88PB  from  Koror (OC-009),
         Palau on 25-29 November,  with main activity during the CQ WW DX CW
         Contest.  QSL via LoTW (preferred) or direct to JA0JHQ.  He will be
         followed by  Tony, JH1FFW,  who will operate FT8 and SSB on 40, 20,
         15, 17 and 10 metres as  T88RC from  30 November to 5 December (QSL
         via LoTW, eQSL, or via JH1FFW).
UA     - Special callsigns R2022DX and UE32DX (QSLs via RQ7L) will be active
         on 21-30 November  for the 32nd anniversary  of the  Miller DX Club
V2     - Bud, AA3B will be active again as V26K from Antigua (NA-100) on 22-
         28 November. He will operate mainly CW, and will participate in the
         CQ WW DX CW  Contest.  QSL via LoTW,  Club Log's OQRS, eQSL, or via
         home call (direct and bureau). [TNX NG3K]
VP5    - Doug, VA3DF and Tony, VE3RZ will be active as VA3DF/VP5 and  VE3RZ/
         VP5 on 22-29 November.  They will operate CW and  possibly some SSB
         and FT8 on 160-10 metres,  and will participate in the  CQ WW DX CW
         Contest as VP5Y (QSL via LoTW and M0URX’s OQRS). [TNX The Daily DX]

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of www.425dxn.org is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

3Y0J PROPAGATION POLL ---> Team 3Y0J  has launched  a  Propagation Poll  "to
prepare for not only working the Big Guns, but to better understand when and
if we succeed  to work the Small Pistols":  https://www.3y0j.no/latest-news.
"By participating in this poll  you intend  to provide 3Y0J with information
about your station setup to aid 3Y0J to understand what your station config-
uration looks like.  Please give as accurate information  as possible.  When
you work 3Y0J we will get info about what category you belong to. The infor-
mation will only be used to display to the operators once you work them what
category you belong to -  so for them  to get a  better view  of  the propa-
The categories have been intentionally limited to three:
- Small Pistol     max 100 W, vertical/dipole
- Regular Station  max 1 kW, 2-3 el yagi on 20-10m, wires on the low bands
- Big Gun          HP (>1 kW), high gain yagi on 20-10m, yagi on 80-30m
"In addition we will establish a baseline of DX stations - hopefully several
thousand unique stations will participate in the survey.  During the DXpedi-
tion we will not only know if we work a Small Pistol, Regular Station or Big
Gun - but we can compare the various stations  in our log with the baseline.
We are working on a script that automatically will do an  online analysis of
the QSO database, so to display an  online parameter indicating  if we reach
out to the small pistols or not. Thus
- everytime the 3Y0J operators log a QSO with a station which is part of the
  DX baseline (i.e. the participants in the survey) the respective Indicator
  (Small Pistol, Regular Station or Big Gun) will be updated
- the Indicators will be compiled to a relative parameter which compares the
  actual stations worked  with the DX baseline.  This online parameter  will
  give us  an indication how well we manage  to work the small pistols,  and
  even at a certain continent.  We then need to understand if this is due to
  the propagation or our operating practice".

CWOPS AWARD ---> First presented in 2016, the "CWops Award for Advancing the
Art of CW"  recognizes individuals, groups  or organizations that have  made
the  greatest contributions  toward advancing  the art or practice  of radio
communication by Morse code.  Nominations must be received by 10 March 2023.
See  https://cwops.org/the-cwops-award-for-a ... art-of-cw/  for the

QSO TODAY VIRTUAL HAM EXPO ---> All of the 370+ presentations made since Au-
gust 2020 at five  QSO Today Virtual Ham Expos  are migrating to a dedicated
YouTube  Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/@qsotodayvirtualhamexpo.   A  few
videos are being uploaded  on a daily basis,  until the entire catalog is on

VE3LYC'S IOTA BOOK ---> "Dream Big and Dare to Fail",  the DXexpedition book
authored by Cezar Trifu (VE3LYC), sold out in May.  "In view of the interest
expressed by quite a few hams",  however,  he has decided to order  one more
run,  and the book  (240 pages, full color, with 516 illustrations)  is once
again available: https://ve3lyc-book.weebly.com.

WWROF SCHOLARSHIPS ---> The  World Wide Radio Operators  Foundation  (WWROF)
has announced  a new scholarship programme.  The WWROF will award up to  two
scholarships of  $2500 each  to amateurs  who demonstrate  active on-the-air
operation, including entering contests  or  achieving awards such as DXCC or
WAS. There are no restrictions on applicant nationality, place of residence,
location  of institution,  or intended  field of study.  Preference  will be
given to applicants 25 years of age or younger.
The WWROF scholarships will be administered by the  ARRL Foundation.  Online
applications  are now being accepted  for the 2023 awards. The deadline is 4
January 2023 at 17.00 UTC.  For information  on applying  for these scholar-
ships, see https://www.arrl.org/scholarship-descriptions.
Created in 2009, the World Wide Radio Operators Foundation is  "dedicated to
improving the skills of amateur radio operators around the world,  utilizing
education,  competition,  advancement of technology and scientific research,
promoting  international friendship  and  goodwill,  and  preparing  them to
better serve society in times of communication need" (https://wwrof.org/).

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ******* QSL  ROUTES *******
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER      CALL        MANAGER
3B8CW       N4GNR       HC5DX       N4GNR       SN2BUW      SP2PBY
3B8HK       N4GNR       HC5F        HC5VF       SN4IW       SP2PBY
3C3CA       TA2OM       HF77DIORA   SP3PDO      SN50CA      SP2CA
3D2TS       M0OXO       HH18NOV     N2OO        SN5ESH      SP2PBY
4O7CC       UA4CC       HZ1OMAN     HZ1SAR      SN5IU       SP2PBY
4U1A        UA3DX       IQ5PJ       IK5WOB      SN7Q        SP7GIQ
4U1GSC      9A2AA       IY5PIS      IK5WOB      SO8DAN      SP8ZBX
4X6TT       N4GNR       J28JD       EA5GL       SP77DIORA   SP6PZB
5Z4PA       M0URX       J79WTA      HB9MFM      SZ1KVDD     SV1ENG
7X3WPL      7X3DL       JG8NQJ/JD1  JA8CJY [d]  T88SS       EA5GL
8N2YOTA     JJ2VLY      JG8NQJ/JD1  JG8NQJ   TG9ADM      EA5GL
9M100SK     9W2TXL      KP4/E77DX   E73Y        TG9AJR      M0URX
A35GC       LZ1GC       NL7S        N4GNR       TL8AA       I2YSB
A43ND       EC6DX       OD5KU       EB7DX       TL8ZZ       I2YSB
A60A        EA7FTR      OD5VB       EA5GL       TM100LGG    F4DDF
A60OMA/2    EA7FTR      OD5ZF       IZ8CLM      TM100UNOR   F8KHG
A91OMA      EC6DX       OD5ZZ       N4GNR       TM105BDC    F8KGN
AP2FLY      IK2DUW      OE70FI      OE5FSL      TM2FC       F4GKT
C31CT       EA3QS       OG2P        OH2PM       TM2LD       F4GQQ
CE8MGZ      EA7FTR      OL15SOTA    OK1CYC      TM35FIST    F6JOE
CN8YR       EA7FTR      OP22HWL     ON2WAB      TM36EUDX    PA1AW
CP6CL       M0OXO       P3AA        RW3RN       TM3Z        F4DSK
CX100B      CX1AA       P40DA       PA7DA       TM70FI      F5KTR
DV8/KH7EA   SP3SUX      PA50PKZ     PA2PKZ      TM8AB       F4KJQ
E780PPA     E73JHI      PD36EUDXF   PA1AW       V31MA       M0OXO
EX0DX       HB9DUR      PE36EUDXF   PA1AW       V85A        EB7DX
FK8HA       K3IRV       PH36EUDXF   PA2TMS      VE7/G7VJR   M0OXO
FM1HN       W3HNK       PJ2MAN      EC5AHA      VK5PAS      M0OXO
FM5BH       W3HNK       PJ4KY       M0URX       VP2ETE      W3HNK
FM8QR       F5EAN       PJ4NX       M0URX       ZA/IW2JOP   IW2HAJ
FY4JI       EA5GL       PT1K        EA7FTR      ZC4RH       DK6SP
GX6XX       M0OXO       PX2RB       PY2KP       ZD7CA       EA5GL
HA36EUDXF   HA5MA       RI41POL     RN3RQ       ZF2PD       N2LM
HC4ER       F4BHW       SN10PWS     SP6PWS      ZS6CCY      K3IRV

4U1ITU    IARC, P.O. Box 6, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
5H8HZ     Bora Kasapoglu, P.O. Box 73, Karakoy, 34421 Istanbul, Turkey
CE0YHO    Jose Barrera, Correos Chile, 2779001 Isla de Pascua, Chile
CO6HLP    Gherardo Pannoli, Via Dante Alighieri 13, 14035 Grazzano Badoglio
          AT, Italy
FR8UA     Fabrice Brassier, 10 rue de Chanlat, 63190 Moissat, France
HC3RJ     Julio Volpe O'Neil, Partida de Les Salades, Poligono 1, Casa 45,
          03295 Elx (Alicante), Spain
HS0ZET    Ralf Klingler, Oberems, Feldstr. 7, 61479 Glashuetten, Germany
I2YSB     Silvano Borsa, Viale Capettini 1, 27036 Mortara PV, Italy
LX8RTTY   Andre Doffing, 9 Cite Europe, L-3834 Schifflange, Luxembourg
LZ1GC     Stanislav Vatev, ul. Gen. Karcov 6A, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria
TR8CA     Jean Charron, 19 rue Gabriel Moussa, 33320 Eysines, France
ZA/IK2RLM Marco Corridore, Vicolo del Toro 4, 20060 Cassina de' Pecchi MI,
ZF9CW     Stanford H. Stockton, PO Box 73, Siloam Springs AR 72761-0073, USA


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE: https://www.425dxn.org/


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia


73's de NP3N

NP3N DX Cluster - All Modes and Spots Welcome
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