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425 DX News #1677

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 11:39 am
by NP3N

24 June 2023                                              A.R.I. DX Bulletin
                                   No 1677
                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

4W     - After the 4W1A scouting trip in April,  a major DXpedition to Timor
         Leste is being organized for  November,  featuring a large team  of
         skillful and experienced operators from Germany,  Poland,  Austria,
         Hungary and England. The first contingent will arrive on 5 November
         and  start with  preparations.  After two or three days  the  first
         signals may appear on the air, but only for a few hours,  and after
         local sunset.  Most  team members  will arrive  on 12 November,  to
         finish the setup and start the 24/7 shifts. Plans are for  4W8X  to
         operate CW (including a Multi-Multi  entry in the  CQ WW DX CW Con-
         test on 25-26 November), SSB, RTTY and FT8 with  at least  two sig-
         nals per band  at the same time  (except for 160, 80, 60  and  6m).
         They will also have equipment for EME  on 144 MHz, 432 MHz and 1296
         MHz. Takedown will start after the end of the contest.  More infor-
         mation  will be available in August, see
         for updates.
7Q     - Don, K6ZO will be active again as 7Q6M (QSL via home call and LoTW)
         from  the station  at the  Embangweni Mission Hospital  in northern
         Malawi from  21 June until possibly the end of July.  He expects to
         put a special emphasis on six meters during this visit.  He will be
         joined by Dick, K4CUE on 21-28 June,  as well as by Jerry, W1IE and
         Bill, KC4D (7Q7WW)  from 21 June  through 2 July.  Their operations
         will likely be restricted to  local evening hours  (18-24 UTC)  and
         occasionally  early morning hours  (3-5 UTC).  QSL 7Q7WW direct  to
8Q     - Bert, CX3AN will be active holiday style as 8Q7HU from the Maldives
         (AS-013)  on  11-18 July.  He will be  QRV on  40-6 metres. QSL via
         EB7DX (direct).
DL     - Special callsign DL0SOP  will be active on  1-31 July  for the 65th
         edition of the  Sea of Peace Award (see for
         full details).  QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, eQSL,  or  direct to
F      - On the occasion of the centenary of the 24 Hours of Le Mans,  F1IEH
         is active as TM100GPF  from  18 June to 2 July.  QSL via home call.
         The special callsign's suffix stands for  Grand Prix de France, the
         motor race  held in June 1906  that has become known  as the  first
         Grand Prix.
F      - French  special  callsigns  to be activated  for  this year's 110th
         edition of the Tour de France include TM110TDF on 1-3, 8, 9 and 14-
         23 July (QSL via F8GGZ) and TM33TDF on 8-9 July (QSL via F6KUQ).
FO     - Manfred DK1BT,  Wolf DL4WK,  Annette DL6SAK,  Tom DL7BO  and  Frank
         DL7UFR will be active as TX6D from  Tahiti (OC-046), French Polyne-
         sia on 2-15 October. They will operate CW, SSB and digital modes on
         160-10 metres  (60m included)  with  up to  five stations.  QSL via
         DL7DF (direct or bureau) and LoTW  "within 6 months after the DXpe-
         dition".  See for logsearch and OQRS.
GM     - MM0UKI is going to be QRV again from  Rockall (EU-189)  on 20 July,
         when  Nobby, G0VJG  and the  SV "Taeping"  will go and collect  Cam
         Cameron after his  60-day fundraising expedition  comes to  an end.
         Mainly the return visit  is to get Cam off  the islet safely  along
         with all the equipment, however Nobby plans to be QRV for 4-6 hours
         on 40 and 20 metres SSB. QSL via M0OXO's OQRS. [TNX DX World]
I      - IL3P is a special callsign to be used between 1 July and 30 Septem-
         ber from various locations in the Italian region of Veneto.  On 28-
         31 July team IL3P will be active from  Pellestrina Island (EU-131),
         including participation in the IOTA Contest. QSL via IU3EDK, direct
         or bureau.
JA     - Once again Taka, JA8COE will be active as  JA8COE/8  from Yagishiri
         Island (AS-147) on 23-25 June.  He will operate mainly  SSB and FT8
         on the HF bands and 6 metres (WWL QN04qk).  QSL Club Log's OQRS, or
         via home call.
OX     - Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active again as OX3LX from Qaanaaq (WWL FQ57jl),
         on the main island of Greenland (NA-018)  from  28 June to 18 July.
         He will focus on 4 and 6 metres,  but he will also be QRV on the HF
         bands. A side trip to Herbert Island (NA-134)  or  Meteorite Island
         is possible. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or direct to OZ0J. [TNX
         DX World]
UA     - Celebrating  the  30th anniversary  of  the  Russian Robinson  Club
         (R3RRC), several special callsigns  are expected  to be in use  be-
         tween 1  and  31 July:  R30RRC,  RA30RR,  RC30RR,  RD30RR,  RJ30RR,
         RK30RR,  RL30RR,  RM30RR,  RN30RR,  RO30RR, RT30RR, RU30RR, RV30RR,
         RW30RR, RX30RR, RZ30RR.  Other stations  joining  the  celebrations
         include  DR30RRC, GB0RRC, HG30RRC, II9RRC,  KH6RRC, KH8RRC, KL7RRC,
         LZ30RRC, OL30RRC  and  OM30RRC.  A number of certificates  will  be
         available - see for the details.
UA9    - Team RI0FS  will be active from  Shikotan Island (AS-062)  on  9-17
         August.  Six operators (R6MG, R7MR, RN3BL, RU3FS, RX3F and  UA0FAM)
         will be QRV on 40-10 metres SSB, CW and FT8.  QSL via RN3RQ, direct
         or bureau. See for more information.
VE     - VX7NA is the special callsign for the Nanaimo Amateur Radio Associ-
         ation  to celebrate  its  75th anniversary  between  24 June and 24
         July. Main activity will be during the  ARRL Field Day (24-25 June)
         and  RAC Canada Day Contest  (1 July).  NARA is based on  Vancouver
         Island (NA-036). QSL via VE7NA.
VE     - Chris, VO1CH will be active again as VO2VC from Labrador, CQ Zone 2
         (WWL GO11po) on 4-10 July.  He will focus on 6 metres,  and will be
         QRV on  40-10 metres  outside the 6m openings.  QSL via  Club Log's
         OQRS and LoTW, or direct to VO1CH.
VE     - The third Youth on the Air (YOTA) summer camp for  young radio ama-
         teurs aged 15-25 in the Americas (  will
         be held on  16-21 July at  Carleton University in Ottawa,  Ontario.
         Campers will operate  special event station  VE3YOTA  during breaks
         between sessions.  In addition,  there will be  dedicated operating
         times  on the HF bands  (17 and 18 July  between 23 and 3 UTC)  and
         satellites, as well as for a  POTA activation  (see for the
         details). QSL via LoTW, or W0AAE.
VP9    - Dave, G4OSY will be active holiday style as VP9/G4OSY from Hamilton
         Parish, Bermuda (NA-005)  from  27 June to 8 July.  He will operate
         SSB mainly on 40-10 metres, he will also give CW and 6m a try.  QSL
         direct to home call; he does not use LoTW.
W      - The following stations will be active during  the 15th  annual  "13
         Colonies Special Event", which will be held from 13 UTC on  1  July
         until 4 UTC on 8 July: K2A (New York),  K2B (Virginia),  K2C (Rhode
         Island), K2D (Connecticut), K2E  (Delaware),  K2F  (Maryland),  K2G
         (Georgia),  K2H  (Massachusetts),  K2I  (New  Jersey),  K2J  (North
         Carolina),  K2K (New  Hampshire),  K2L  (South  Carolina), and  K2M
         (Pennsylvania), plus 'bonus stations' WM3PEN from Philadelphia (the
         city where the US independence was declared),  GB13COL from England
         (QSL direct, see for instructions) and  TM13COL from France
         (QSL via F5OGL). Information about the award programme can be found

                         *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
                         ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
                          Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
                        Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

Access to the main functions of is provided by the 425DXN App
for Android. It is available on Google Play - free of charge, no ads. Enjoy!

CB0ZA ---> A  multi-national  team  will be active as  CB0ZA  from  Robinson
Crusoe Island (SA-005), Juan Fernandez on 13-20 February 2024 [425DXN 1675].
They  have received  authorization from the  National Forest Corporation  to
operate from Cerro Centinela, within the Juan Fernandez National Park, which
will give them a clear takeoff. See for updates.

VP2V/W9DR: RESCHEDULED ---> Dave, W9DR  has postponed his 6m operation  from
the British Virgin Islands  until sometime in June 2024.  He was expected to
be there on 23-29 June [425DXN 1676].


QSLs received direct  or  through managers: 3B7M, 3W1T, 3Y0J,  4W1A,  5R8AL,
5W1SA,  5Z4VJ, 6W7/ON4AVT,  8P5A, 9Z4S, AP2IN,  CN3A, CO0RRC (NA-086), CY0S,
E51CIK,  E51WEG,  E51WL,  E6AF,  E6CI, EK6TA, EX0M, FG8OJ,  FH/F4IFF, FK8IK,
FR4OM, FT8WW, FW1JG, H31B (NA-072), H31W (NA-072), J69DS, JG8NQJ/JD1, JS6RGJ
(AS-024),  PJ2/SM4KYN, RI30ANT,  SU1SK, SV2ASP/A, T88SM, T88WA, TN8K,  TO9W,


               425 DX NEWS HOME PAGE:


               425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
      edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

            Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
                        in part or full provided that
               "425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

          Contributors are invited to send their DX information to
              Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ  ([email protected])    
                      The deadline is 12 UTC on Fridays


                           Direttore Responsabile
                            Gabriele Villa, I2VGW
               Giornalista Professionista - Tessera n. 071675
                      Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti
                                Roma, Italia
